Our Team

Katie Weyback
Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Paul Rashid
Executive Medical Director

Brandon Jacobson
Chief Financial Officer

Jason Call
Chief Nursing Officer

Sheila Simpson
Director, Human Resources

Anthony Stewart
Director of Compliance, Quality, and Accreditation

Patricia Edelstein
Director of Clinical Services

Madge Pimentel
Director of Patient Safety & Risk Management
Letter from our CEO
Dear patients, families, and to the communities we serve,
I want to personally welcome you to NeuroBehavioral Hospitals. I’m pleased you’ve chosen to visit us and hope you find it helpful – whether it is to answer questions about your healthcare, find a medical provider, or to learn more about the services that our NeuroBehavioral Hospitals offer.
At NeuroBehavioral Hospitals, you’ll find a team of healthcare professionals that are devoted to our mission of bringing life changing, restorative healing to those affected by psychiatric illness by improving the way mental healthcare is provided. Systemically, we carry the philosophy that each individual patient is unique and deserves to have their care tailored to their own specific need. NB Hospitals are staffed with teams of highly skilled and dedicated physicians, nurses, and mental health clinicians that are passionate about providing excellent care and services to those we are fortunate to treat.
As CEO of NeuroBehavioral Hospitals, my focus is providing a culture that breaks down barriers, increases accessibility, and challenges the norms of this industry to set a new standard of best-in-class mental healthcare.
On behalf of our team at NeuroBehavioral Hospitals, I welcome you. I sincerely look forward to hearing more about your experience at our hospitals either directly by phone, email, or through our website contact form.
I’m honored to lead this mission of change. Please reach out if you have any mental health concerns or need to talk. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you.
Katie Weyback
CEO, NeuroBehavioral Hospitals